Sean O'Connor
Memorial Celebrant.
Sean is a deeply empathetic and grounded individual who provides supportive companionship for people experiencing end-of-life issues and other challenging ‘mortal
moments.’ He has a gentle quietness that helps people ask the questions they need to, as well as a sense of humour and a light touch.
He has a special interest in the specific vulnerabilities of men and younger people. Sean is a member of the Death Positive movement and completed his Soul Carer training with Dr. Mary Ryan in 2020, as well as numerous other courses across different fields. He has a Master’s degree in Education, is a prolific writer on death and dying, and produces the How To Die podcast.
Sean excels as a memorial celebrant. He provides strong and reliable support in difficult times, and his well-developed poetic sensibility allows him to craft a beautiful homage in honour of the person who has died, who lives on in the love they inspired in you.
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How to die podcast: